Sunday, September 26, 2010

This week in i-pics...

Page from Autiobiography of DALE COOPER. 
And coincidentally, (Diane, there is no such thing) my birth month and year!

Popcorn star.
Said book, Evil's legs.

50s footballer.

Hotel. Motel. Holiday Inn.
Random Venice decor in the post office.

Random catalogue girl's hair color I must have.

Night view in watercolor.

Where I'm sitting right now.
Opposite corner.
Evil's torso, aqua stovetop.

All aglow.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

The heavens are conspiring

Oh wow, the moon is OUT tonight.
I'm bowled over by the shining round beauty. 

 Rode my bike beneath it singing, stopping only for a glass of plum wine and a seaweed salad. Thought I might throw a smattering of full moon/equinox related/inspired things.

  OOOOOOOut tOnight.
Photograph by me circa 2000, NE Gainesville, FL.  LOVED this sign.

The full moon falling on the autumnal equinox is simply one of many astronomical coincidences occurring this month. On Monday, the planet Jupiter got the closest it's been to Earth since 1963, and Uranus passed right behind Jupiter on Sept. 17, MacRobert said.  "If you are into conspiracy theories, you may think, oh my gosh,
the heavens are conspiring -- something big is going to happen," he said.
- taken from this article.

Pattern for cloak I want to be wearing right now frolicking in nighttime streets:
"Fellowshop cloak pattern"

What I would look like in it:
Clipping of reproduction of Hosea pinned against painting.

With my makeup like this:
Still from Thirty, a video by me in 2007.

& last but not least, watch
How to choose clothes for a werewolf.

Friday, September 17, 2010

This week in i-pics...

Martin Gore singing "Somebody"
Love bugs on dash
The Snow Queen
Leaves in sidewalk
On my wall.  Bow tie!
NYC street in "The Freshman"
"Almost Heaven" farm in Ocala
Tri-Star horse

Diamond out of folded sheet

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


A friend sent me to the Hand Drawn Map Association.  Endearing and smart, abstract and detailed, fodder for both nostalgia and inquiry...

I just may be working on a few of my own in the days to come. 
In the meantime, I fell hard for some by John Hutchison.
Here are a few:

"US States where I have considered moving to as an adult"

"US states I have ridden my motorcycle"

"US state I like the least (Sorry Kansas)"

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Life post-Bear

Postcard from Eleanor, sent to me during life pre-bear.

A bear lent me a new life.  

Or at least, a more frenzied love of being alive than I generally tote around.  And, generally, I've always been pretty much enamored with it.  The mystery of it all!  The surprises!  The way things look!  Helping! Loving!  Losing! Winning! Feeling! Breathing!  My second wind, magic at life post-bear.

I was walking with my Aunt at twilight on a visit to Colorado last month.  Just off the mountain road there was a field that resembled Auronzo (the small Italian town nestled beneath the Alps where my mom and her sister come from)...its wildflowers; their scattered colors and hints of shape.  And then there was the Bear.  Crazy.  Beautiful.  Terrifying.  Shoulders so round.  Curves in general, no hard lines, an inquisitive look.  Massive and rooted.  Quite simply not to be believed.

Long walk uphill with heartbeats soaring.

Hands held and waiting.

The Bear let us pass.

Historically I'm a night owl; a bona fide art-making-idea-having insomniac.  But that night I was giddy.  Feverish with notes and thoughts.  I decided then to take even more risks than I normally do.  I decided then to do some things I never thought I'd do.  This blog is one of those things.

Thanks, Bear. I owe you one.